Thursday, April 12, 2007

Buddha hoga tera baap ......

Thats the catch phrase plastered all over the hoardings over most of the major stations on the central railway on my daily route...and i must say...i love it !!!!! :D :D

Using a popular slang phrase which a lot of us might have heard in a pretty comic something that really tickled my funny bone :))

I think that the creative team who thought of the usage of this phrase, coupled with the name of the tv series that it is advertising...”Mera Bharat Jawaan” which in itself is a rip-off from the ever so popular “Mera Bharat Mahaan” deserve to be applauded for what is, to me, a sheer stroke of genius...

i wonder who these really imaginative people are...who are capable of just coming up with these ideas.

BTW, the ads for the series itself is out on TV and that is hilarious as well....wherein there are a bunch of geriatrics, led by the perennially old aged A.K.Hangal, mouthing the above dialogue and showing off their attitude....nice!!! :)



P.S: I think A.K. Hangal must have been born old. I do not recollect any movie / tv series of his in which the character played by him was aged less than 60 years old ..he truly deserves the tag of the “Old Man of India”

P.P.S : If any one can recollect any movie / series that features A.K. Hangal wherein he has deviated from his trademark age, do let me know. I have a morbid curiosity to see what that would look like. It is impossible for someone of my limited imagination to even imagine that.

P.P.P.S : Disclaimer : The series mentioned above is not even out yet, i think, and the ingenuity (IMHO) used in its nomenclature is in no way necessarily reflective of the same standard in its execution.