Thursday, October 05, 2006

Liberty, Feynman and the Deep Blue Sea

Saw the statue of liberty a few weeks ago. It is imposing and when u stand and stare at it looming down on you with its stelly kinda goes through your soul. The celebration of a spirit of freedom that it conveys hits you like the river breeze. There is an abandonment, a defiance in its stance, the broken chains at its feet, the folds of her clothes especially at her sleeves...every inch of it a cry for freedom...every detail conveys a defiance to fight for it

Feynman - I enjoy reading about Feynman...maybe because he was such a character, a showman but mostly because he chose to have the freedom to do things the way he wanted to. Maybe also coz of his irreverence to all things that were deemed to be reverent but not to him. Maybe because he was pretty brilliant, to say the least or maybe most of all, because of his desire, if not his ability, to want to find the simplest possible way to convey even the most complex of topics...he noted once that if he could not put down any topic in a manner simple enough for a freshman in college to understand, then it just meant that he didnt understand it completely...there may be exceptions..but i think that observation holds good...even outside of phyiscs..Read the first chapter of Six Easy Pieces at Amods place....will try and read the rest sometime...:)

Deep Blue Sea...what better symbolism of freedom can i think of..than the unfettered, the unbounded deep blue sea. I love the sea :)


And what is good, Phaedrus? And what is not good? Need we ask anyone to tell us these things? "
- (Its actually from the Symposium by Plato but most people are likely to remember it from the first page of a very famous book - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance)